An online shopping scam involves scammers falsifying a website or posting an ad on a legitimate retailer's site, pretending to be a legitimate online seller. Illegitimate websites sell fake products or charge you for services that you never receive.
Scammers are looking for your credit card information, which means that they're stealing it. They're not going to be giving you an honest price or even letting you know what the real price is. You can't trust them with your money!
Some illegitimate websites may collect your information in order to sell it to third parties, or they may use that data to market products that aren't necessarily relevant to the user's interests. This means that if you're not careful, you could end up with a lot of unwanted ads on your phone or other devices.
Therefore it is always better to check the website's legitimacy before making a purchase. The website is not legitimate when:
Be careful when shopping online to avoid losing money and personal information.